So what to say this time. Well, google finally got around to updating its index showing the new site. Unfortunately, my index and sitemap.xml pages are the only ones showing and the rest are in the "more results from...". Bah! At least they are all indexed this time so I don't really care too much about that. Another thing also got fixed. For a while there this blog was actually ranking higher than the site I am working on! Argh. But like I said, it's fixed now. I have really been slacking off on the social bookmarking thing however. I'm on simpy, startaid, and somewhere else (can't remember, like I said - slacking). On the plus side, I've gotten pretty far in a PHP book I've been reading. Oh, and since google seems to like .pdf files, I've made .pdf copies of all my pages and stuck them in the main directory (with links). I didn't add them to the sitemap yet cuz I want to see if google will find them on its own. I've also run across powerpoint slides on the net as well, so just to see what would happen, I made copies of my pages in the .ppt format as well, couldn't hurt. What is the point? Well, hopefully with the mixed media, google might think my site is more relevant on its own and give it a higher ranking. According to google's webmasters panel, I think I'm only ranking for a misspelling of fujifilm (fujfilm I think). What? How could it think that when I don't have any misspellings in any of my pages? I'm either going to have to break down and do much more bookmarking, spam the comment section of this blog (since it's already ranking), or start another blog and just spam the heck out of that. I really don't want to do that, however. I'm trying to be a smarter blackhatter and splogging seems so passe' and quite pedestrian. Maybe I should mosey on over to the "buy viagra" crowd and see what they are doing. I'll get it someday. I will, however, leave a link to my .html sitemap here, fujifilm f50fd.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Yet another update.
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